Sunday, June 21, 2009

Big Boy Bed - Part 2

So bedtime tonight took over 2 hours before Dax fell asleep. He again pulled his many stunts to show us that he can indeed get out of his big boy bed. My absolute favorite was when he came out in to the hall, made loud fake snoring sounds, then ran back to his room. It was so hard not to laugh! I'm sure he was convinced that we "bought it" and thought that he really was asleep. What a funny kid.

Duane's favorite moment was actually pretty sweet: Duane was rocking Dax in the chair, and a very sleepy 2-year old, looked up and said, "sorry, Dadda". I guess he knew he was supposed to stay in bed, but he just couldn't control himself, and he was sorry.

Maybe there's hope the next few nights will get better. Luckily, Duane and I are keeping our patience, and our senses of humor. For now. ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish you all the best! I spent about two weeks of an hour or more each night trying to get Ava down. I finally realized that if I left, let her cry a little she went right to sleep. So...although it was hard for the first couple of nights, I tucked her in, talked about what she might dream about, kissed her goodnight and closed the door. She did cry at first, but after we talked about Ava sleeping her in bed and Mommy and Daddy sleeping in their bed - the idea seemed to make more sense.

She does like to get creative though - every now and then I hear her play microwave making popcorn in the middle of the night! She also has taken to sleeping with her head towards the foot board - but who cares as long as she's sleeping in her own bed!

Best of luck! Congrats on your Big Boy Bed Dax!