Thursday, January 8, 2009

18 Month Appointment

We got Dax's "stats" at his 18 month appointment today. He is 32.5 inches tall (50th %) and 20lbs 10oz (1st %). Also, his head is 47cm (40th %). Again, the doctor is not worried about his weight because he is excelling in all his developments. Dax was so good at the appointment. He let the doctor poke and squeeze and prod and he just let her do it all. He looked at us a couple times like, "you guys are ok with all this, right? ok, then I am, too." When he got his vaccine (only 1 this time), he cried out, but was done by the time she got the band-aid on. We were really proud of him.

Here are a couple pics of Dax playing with his "baby". He got this baby for Christmas and he has been so sweet with it. He feeds the baby, gives him drinks, puts the blanket over him, and hugs him all the time. It's amazing how loving he is. Of course, he has been known to pick up the baby by his head and to try "baby distance throwing", but, that's ok.

Giving the baby blocks to play with

Making sure the baby gets a snack (and is safely belted in his seat)

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