Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mommy's Birthday

Mommy got to spend her birthday on a retreat with some moms from church. We had day passes to The Crossings Spa and Retreat Center. We got to go on an early morning hike, take a yoga class, spend a couple hours talking and learning with a Sister, enjoy a yummy lunch, take a Latin-inspired dance class, hang out at the lovely pool, and enjoy the company of Godly women. It was a wonderful, relaxing way to spend the day!

After the retreat, the family drove to Tomball to help Dane celebrate HIS birthday and his graduation from high school.

The peaceful Crossings

Happy Birthday to us!

The Birthday Girl and Boy (yes, I still consider myself a "girl")

Tomorrow is the big day!

Friday, May 29, 2009


Dax loves to "eed" (read). He frequently pulls this book off the shelf. It's a full-on novel, but we think he likes the picture on the cover.

He's a fast reader

He especially likes this book of Daddy's

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lunch with Madison and Mrs Wolf

We met Mrs. Wolf and Madison for lunch at The Steeping Room at The Domain. They serve yummy teas and girly lunches. Dax likes their fruit salad (though his raspberries "accidentally" fell on to Mommy's plate - oops!). Madison is almost exactly a year younger than Dax; it's a lot of fun to see her and remember what Dax was doing this time last year. And, Madison is such a sweetie that we always have a good time with them.

Fun with Madison

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day/Mommy's Birthday

Even though Memorial Day was on May 25th this year, we had a little picnic to celebrate Mommy's birthday (her birthday is the 30th - the REAL Memorial Day!). It was fun to have the family over and to just relax on the back patio and talk. Sorry, no pics of the b-day girl -- better luck next year. :)

We thank all our veterans and current military families for their sacrifices for our freedoms!

Dax eagerly helping with the groceries

Payton and Dax enjoying the chow

Relaxing (is Dax waving to his fans?)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mommy's Trip to Dallas

Mommy got to take a short trip to Dallas to see her friend, Kateri. We hung out, caught up, ate our weight in sushi (yum!), saw Fiddler on The Roof with Topol (the guy from the movie - it was AMAZING!), slept in, had girly brunch, got a massage AND a facial, and relaxed some more. All in 24 hours! It was exactly what Mommy needed.

Here's to friends!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Water Spouts & Flip Happy

We met Payton and some other friends at the water spouts. We had a great time! Afterwards, Elise and Maly ate lunch with us at Flip Happy Crepes (a food trailer by the park). Dax showed his French roots, because he devoured his crepe, even after eating a PB&J. I'm sure running around the spouts for 2 hours had SOMEthing to do with it. He took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. Needless to say, we'll be spending more time at the water spouts! :)

Showin' off the beach bod

Water yoga?

Hat silliness

Sweet Payton (I love this pic!)

Crepes - Yum!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Corn On The Cob

Summer is here and so is the sweet corn.


While Momma took some downtime, Dax helped out around the house and visited with the neighbors. After his visit with Mrs. Elisa, she noted, "that boy LOVES football!" :) Apparently, he had a great time with her -- he's been yelling "Eesa!" everytime we pass her house since then.

Dax loves the vacuum

At Mrs. Elisa's house

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jumping Rope

Dax loves to do anything his Daddy does. Here is his attempt at jumping rope.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fun with Friends

Here's Dax having a good time with Payton and Ethan.

Today's snack is brought to you by the letter "U"

Dance Party!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

We had a lovely Mother's Day. At the church nursery, Dax gave big hugs good-bye, then went off to play, so he's definitely doing great there. For lunch we all met at Grandma's. We just picked up some bbq so no one had to cook. It was such a joy to spend time with Hollie (a great mom) and Grandma (who, we all know, is a great mom - and grandma!), as well as everyone else. I love being a mom to Dax. He is such a blessing to us and we love to see how much joy he brings to others. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of appreciating my time with him, but, as "they" say, it goes so fast! That's why I love this blog - it helps me remember all the little things that are so precious. I'm looking forward to my next year of motherhood!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

UT vs A&M baseball game

Dax enjoyed his first Aggie baseball game. It was hot, but worth the heat to see a home-run right in front of us, and to watch the Aggies shut out the Longhorns. Dax was inspired by the players apparently, because he kept practicing his own baseball swing (with a tube he found). Future baseball player?

After the game we cooled off by playing in the sprinkler in the backyard. One of the great joys of childhood.

Good times at the baseball game

Working on his "form"

Cooling off in the sprinkler

Friday, May 8, 2009


The other morning Dax found a caterpillar in the backyard. He sat and watched it for at least 15 minutes - he was fascinated!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby birds

I guess I haven't been using my watering can enough, because a momma bird built a nest in it. Now, we have 2, possibly 3, baby birds living in the nest in the watering can. They cry really loudly when we're near. It was a challenge to keep Dax and Trinity to leave them alone at first, but they seem to have forgotten about them. I don't know how long till they "fly the coop", er, "can", but I'm sure it will be interesting.

Here's one hungry mouth

Monday, May 4, 2009

Baby Marin

Play date today was at Devin's house. Devin (and his brother, Rowan) have a brand new baby sister, Marin. Dax is in love.

Marin seems to be saying, "wait...another boy?"

Dax wanted to be RIGHT next to her

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Playdate with Ava at Zilker Park

We met with Dax's friend, Ava, at Zilker Park. We met her parents, Roman and Jenny, at our childbirth class two years ago. Ava and Dax actually ended up being born on the same day and just two doors down at the hospital. We had a fun time on the swings and the giant fire truck, but the ride on the Zilker Zephyr (the little train) was the highlight of the day.

Waving to the train

Our turn! With Ava and her parents

Waving to our fans :)

Sweet Ava and her mommy

Checking out the scenery

Making new friends

Friday, May 1, 2009

Good Times on the Boat

There was a rumor that it might rain this weekend, so we took off Friday afternoon for the lake. Dax was totally chillin', just laying on me and watching the water. Until Daddy said he could drive. Then he was ready to go!


Having the time of his life!